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An online learning platform called Baamboozle teaches through games. You can add your own games in addition to the numerous ones that are provided to get your students started straight away. As a result, as teachers contribute their own tasks to the resource pool, the library of content expands every day. This isn't as well-polished as Quizlet(opens in new tab), but compatibility and usability are what this is all about. Additionally, a free account is available, and there is a wealth of immediately accessible stuff.
Baamboozle is a wonderful choice for both in-person and online learning, as well as for doing assignments. Since they may use their own devices to access it, students can play games and learn practically anywhere. It's a relatively versatile platform to utilize as you need; take a quiz in class as a group, share it for online sessions, or set one as an individual activity.

How We Can Use Bamboozle?
- As soon as you enter the game section, you have the choice to "Play," "Study," "Slideshow," or "Edit."

- Play launches a variety of game options, including, to name just two, Four In A Row and Memory.
The Study presents the image tiles for you to choose correctly or incorrectly on each depending on the topic.

- Similar work is done by Slideshow, but all that is displayed are the photos and words for scrolling.

- You could have realized that "Edit" allows you to modify the quiz as necessary.


Evaluate the class
Create a game as an evaluation to be utilized at the conclusion or after a class to determine how well students have absorbed and grasped the material.

Imaginative class
Divide the class into groups, assign each group a theme to develop a game for, and then have the groups take each other's tests. In order to prevent one team from creating the quiz that is the hardest, evaluate based on both the quality of the questions and the answers.

Start planning
Play games with the class by connecting your device to a projector or running directly in a browser on a big screen. This enables pauses for discourse and clarification of terms.

Have many good templates
Users can use a variety of templates on Bamboozle's website to create entertaining classroom activities.

The lack of a session in the Bamboozle that displays the scoreboard of specific students after they have responded to a question is one drawback, however given that this software focuses on collaborative learning, it can't have a significant educational influence.


  1. Thank you for this post. It has good information like the uses and functions of bamboozle, etc. However, it is good if it is structured well, observing the color of the fonts, proper spacing, and indentions. It is advisable also to add some nice photos that will break the texts so that they look interesting to read and look at.


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